Get Organized Through Journaling
Program Description:
If you’ve struggled to get organized, journaling is a great place to start! Learn types of journaling and how journaling can be a great tool for getting organized, achieving goals, practicing self-care, and living intentionally. Get ideas for how to use journaling with other digital and print planning systems. Walk away with tips and resources you can use to create journals that are as simple or creative as you prefer!
Key Takeaways:
Understand where digital clutter is lurking in your life and how it is impacting your life.
Gain clarity on what a decluttered digital world looks like for YOU.
Begin the process of decluttering and learn how to keep it going after the workshop.
Tips and tools to maintain the decluttered digital life that you create.
Suggested Audience:
Anyone feeling unorganized looking for a simple way to get organized
Programming Options:
1-hour virtual or in-person program